All applications use Microsoft .NET Framework. Programs released after February 2015 drop support for Windows XP, starting with 2017 the newer framework versions drop Windows Vista too (view requirements).
The same executable works on both 32 and 64 bits systems.
All sharewares and some freewares will install dependencies for you; the .NET framework installer may require a reboot,
in this case choose the "Restart later" option and reboot your computer after the application setup is completed.
Most programs have an installer and also an archive (portable) version if you prefer to just extract files from zip.
Android and Universal Windows Applications can be installed directly from Google Play respective Windows Store.
Shareware programs have 30 days trial period and can be registered online using PayPal,
please specify your email address and the licensee's name.
The registration code will be sent on email and will be valid for all future updates.
You can buy any shareware for 9 EUR or purchase the bundle
(Money + PhotoSelector + TotalReminder) for only 17 EUR saving 10 EUR.
Freewares can be used without any restriction (obviously any kind of reverse engineering is prohibited), however donations will be highly appreciated (and motivating ...).
Suggestions, feature requests are welcomed for all programs and if possible will appear in future versions.
For custom changes of existing products or new programs based on your own specifications please contact